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Prom 2020 Is Quickly Approaching

prom-approaching-403034ab Prom 2020 Is Quickly Approaching | Pure Party Bus

As you know prom season 2020 is quickly approaching and we’re here to give you some tips on how to get ready for what will one of the biggest nights in your teenager’s lives. You may ask yourself “why is an Atlanta party bus company giving out tips on preparing for prom?” Well the answer is simple. We want to make sure you are prepared in every way, including transportation and that your teenager is safe, and you are worry free.

 So, lets dive in.   Making sure your child has both a safe and fun night starts with having a plan. The first and most simple part of this plan is knowing the date that their prom falls on, also note the start and end time. May we also suggest making a list of things that need to get done before that day and setting calendar reminders. As a parent we have a lot of things to do and not a lot of time to get it done in. You don’t want to find yourself having to rush around trying to get things done at the last minute. As a part planning you want to nail down the order of events for the night. You need to know if your teen plans on getting together with friends and where they are meeting up at. You want to know what they are doing both before and after prom. Whether it’s going on for a fancy dinner or a school sponsored after prom event, you want to know exactly where your teenager is and that they’ll be safe. Know how your teen and their group is planning on getting around. Apart of making sure that your child is safe is knowing who is driving. Know if your teen planning to drive themselves or are they riding with a friend.  If either of these are the case, encourage car safety. Talk to them about limiting their distractions. For example, not texting or applying makeup while driving. Make sure they do not have too many passengers in the vehicle. Rule of thumb is one passenger per seat belt. Also make sure no one is planning on bringing any alcohol in the car. If you are planning on renting a party bus or Limo, you want to make sure that you rent from a reputable company. You’ll want to do some research to ensure that they have proper licensing and properly screened drivers. Checking their online reviews doesn’t hurt either. If you can try to find our where all the prom parties are going to be or at least the “hottest” parties. Try to find out who may possibly be in attendance and what, if any adults plan on being there. This helps you try to ensure that your teen will be attending a party that is chaperoned and hopefully, with that, there won’t be any alcohol present. If you’re the parent who is hosting the party, you may want to take stock of your home. Get a count of how much alcohol and prescription medication that you may have and put these things in a safe place. We know that you trust your teen, but when they have a house full of friends, some you may not know, its best to air on the side of caution. Make sure you talk to your teen about what to do in the event of an emergency. If you’re not going to be a position where you can pick them up at a moment’s notice, make sure you have an alternative contact in place. Maybe make up a code they can text you. Something where if they get into trouble or an uncomfortable situation, they can text you this code and you can come get them no questions asked. Communicate with other adults. Talk to other parents and school officials. You want to know what the school’s rules are about prom and after prom. You want to make sure both you and the other parents are on the same page and have similar expectations. Another important thing to do is discuss your expectations with your teen and set boundaries. Discuss both the school’s rules and your rules and make sure that your teen is aware of the consequences if these rules are broken. Lastly, try to stay up if you can. You want to be able to answer your teens calls or text If they need you. You also want to be up to make sure that they make it back home safe.